Online Media Lead Generation - Leverage Our Publishing Partners To Promote Your Local Business Online

Kick back and relax, by finding, us you have just solved your traffic problems!

Our Omnipresent Traffic Generation System

Our service will improve your local online presence and exposure by leveraging our unique partnership with hundreds of major international news and blog sites. It's an omnipresent campaign strategy that works wonders.

With mentions from hundreds of trusted sites and the increased traffic that brings you, Google will start promoting your website higher in the rankings, driving even more organic traffic to your site.

Running campaigns each month has a powerful stacking effect on the number of keywords your website will rank for. This brings in a lot of qualified and ready to convert visitors to your website every month.

Our team of expert writers and content creators will cover a specific aspect of your business with each new campaign, reaching thousands of people that otherwise wouldn't see your products or services.

Done For You Content Marketing Campaigns

When you provide us with some key information about your business and which services or products you want to promote first, our team of expert content writers will get started doing the heavy lifting for you.

We will create high-quality digital assets to promote your business in the best light possible across our network.

A Proven Traffic Generation System

With each campaign, we create over 400 high-quality digital assets that we distribute across many of the world's biggest websites using our strong relationship with our publishing partners.

Each campaign will drive new traffic to your business - so running more campaigns will lead to more traffic.

Leverage Our Publishing Partners For Focussed Traffic

High-quality traffic results in higher sales and conversions.

Our system focusses on attracting people who are actually looking for what you are promoting.

People with real 'buyer intent' which means your ROI for each visitor will increase far beyond any 'catch-all' traffic system.

How Our Service Will Impact Your Business...


Greatly Increased Website Traffic

Our omnipresent marketing campaigns build on themselves every month and end up generating so much traffic over time that it can 3-5x your business as we have seen many times over the past year of running these campaigns for our valued local clients.


Increased Brand Awareness and Exposure

We spread the word about your company, it’s products and services, throughout the internet using our omnipresent marketing campaigns. Don't rely on just your own website when you can leverage over 400 trusted sites online to help you out. The advantage is yours, as most companies out there are not using this new method of online marketing yet.


Get More Qualified Leads

Our campaigns result in sending targeted traffic to your website, people that are looking for products and services like yours via hundreds of different keyword phrases. Each campaign we run for you leads to more traffic streams you can tap into. This leads to more chances of converting those visitors into paying customers.


Potentially Land In The Google 3 Pack

It is very common to see our clients showing up in the Google 3 Pack after running just a few campaigns. There is no guarantee, but if this happens to your business you will see a huge increase in traffic from just this alone and as a bonus you are preventing one of your competitors from taking that prime spot on Google.


Scale Your Business To The Next Level

Running monthly campaigns has a compounding effect on the number of valuable keyword phrases that you rank for. Each of these phrases can be seen as a stream of traffic so ranking for as many as possible will lead to more visitors and more customers.

Organic Website Traffic Is Critical To Your Success

Every business needs natural organic search traffic to their site in order to thrive online. You could have the most beautiful and highest converting website in the world, but if no one ever sees it, you won't get any customers. Whereas sending a lot of traffic to a site, even an outdated and unoptimized website, will result in some customers. Focus on the traffic first!

You can keep spending a lot of money to drive paid traffic to your site (Facebook, Google, and Bing ads) but without the support of organic traffic you have no option to stop and your budget limits your reach. Because of this, we recommend spending your marketing budget to get ranked on Google and Bing first, before even considering paid advertising. That is where our service comes into its own...

Organic search traffic is king and must be the first area you focus on. Paid traffic is something that should take a back seat until you have maximized your search traffic rankings. Unless you have a huge marketing budget and can afford to do both.

You can use our campaigns to rank any website high in the search engines, even unoptimized sites. The power comes from all the quality content and articles that we publish that mention your website and services with links back to your site. Google and the other search engines love seeing this and will begin to view your site as an authority in your niche... it's a beautiful thing.

Our campaigns have a very high ROI because they focus on natural search traffic which results in higher conversion rates. It is not like Facebook with expensive interruption marketing, forcing people away from what they were doing and trying to convince them to pay attention to you. We display your business in front of people that are looking for your services.

Once you are ranking well and getting a lot of organic traffic every month, that is the time to look at your website to see if there are ways to convert more of that traffic into paying customers. Increasing your conversion rate from 5% to 10% is doubling your online customers... When that time comes, we can help you with that as well.

See If Your Business Qualifies For Our Service...

We are very selective in who we work with. For instance, there are many businesses that are not suitable for being displayed on the online media news sites or are not in a position to take on new customers.

No joke, we have seen companies use our service and become swamped by the increase in customers, not responding in time and getting a lot of bad reviews, resulting in a downward spiral... not a good position to be in.

Only reach out to us if you are ready for more clients!

Our Pricing Table

For most businesses, we recommend running at least 1 campaign per month, per location. Each campaign we run for you will focus on a different product or service in your business. You can choose which area to focus on next with the help of our snapshot report that shows you the level of competition and your current online visibility for each of your services and locations.

Just a quick note: If we don't receive payment within the first week of each month then we will delay running the campaign/s until the following month. Prompt payments ensure a smooth and consistant campaign cycle.

If you would like to:

  • Accelerate the growth of your business as fast as possible
  • Promote multiple business locations simultaneously
  • Promote multiple services simultaneously

Then we strongly recommend that you take advantage of our discounted packages...

(1 Campaign Per Month)

Great if you just want to test our service OR grow at a slow and steady pace



Pay as you go

  • Full Price
  • Snapshot Report
(3 Campaigns Per Month)

Ideal if you have 3 locations OR just want to grow faster



($1,256/mo each)

  • 20% discount
  • Snapshot Report
(4 Campaigns Per Month)

Fastest way to grow. Cover multiple locations and services every month



($1,099/mo each)

  • 30% discount
  • Snapshot Report

Frequently Asked Questions...

What if I don't want to grow my business?

How do you do it?

Where are you based?

Why should I use your service?

How do you generate traffic?

Do you offer discounts?

Do you offer any statistics or reporting for my campaigns?

Am I guaranteed to get more customers?

How many campaigns should I run for my business?

If I stop the campaigns then what happens to the published articles?

Media Lead Generation Â© 2019
